We believe in Scrum

Designing relevant dashboards, user-friendly apps or prioritizing features require a more collaborative way of working than the traditional waterfall approach. Iteration is the rule, collaboration a prerequisite. We use Agile project management methodology to drive collaboration within virtual teams and deliver outstanding outcomes.

We have been using the Scrum framework for more than 7 years and have the skills to work alongside clients as one integrated team. Let’s take a look on how we adopt Scrum in offshore software development:

Sustainable development

As a leading software development organization, it is our mission to create a sustainable development organization and use industry-recognized, state-of-the part software development methodology and platforms. As an early adopter of the agile development methods, we attract top software professionals, share and improve our own use of Agile practices and actively participate in the Agile practitioner community.

Benefits of Scrum

Scrum is the most popular Agile framework for applying to complex projects. Scrum was initially introduced as a supportive framework for software development projects, but it could be applied for any innovative or complex scope of works. Scrum methodology is adopted by an increasing number of software development companies. Since Agile Scrum methodology is so widely used in software development, it certainly has multiple advantages that could not be ignored.

Increased team satisfaction

For Client, being able to collaborate with the development team through every sprint allows them to control the outcome of the project and have complete visibility in the evolution of the product and progress made. 
For developers, open end date and full support from other team members remove many frustrations experienced with other development methodologies.

Enhanced team productivity

Scrum emphasizes the creation of tangible deliverables: this is rewarding for the development team and eliminates distractions and additional work to boost productivity. For example, eliminating lengthy, complex and rapidly obsolete documentation about product requirements and design increase productivity and tangible output for the team.
Scrum encourages real-time communication between people to minimize waste from miscommunication. A Product Owner will write brief requirement descriptions (stories), and elaborate on the details as needed in discussions with team members.

Better product quality

Applications are developed in Scrum through small and regular incremental sprints where stories (project descriptions) are continually tested at the end. A story is not “done” unless it satisfies all the requirements as defined in the test cases. This practice allows testers to detect bugs and issues at an early stage when they are easier to fix and ensures that each story implementation is of the highest quality at the time of its completion.

Rapid response to changes

Changes are welcomed in Scrum, and the way Scrum permits quick response to changes is to break the project into short development cycles (prints) which usually last from 2-4 weeks. Each sprint is comprised of “Plan, Do, Check, Act” with continuous meetings to synchronize and review work of each part. New features are delivered and defects are identified and fixed before moving on to the next sprint. This means that when changes are required, implementation can be done within the next sprint.

Complete Transparency

Scrum provides maximum visibility into project progress to all stakeholders, i.e. client and outsourcing team. Transparency is provided via frequent status update during meetings throughout the software outsourcing development cycle. An often used practice of Scrum team is to post index cards with the current story and task status, along with the current burndown chart which is a bar or line chart showing the amount of work remaining in the current sprint in a public location. This helps the Product Owner track the progress and the Scrum Master manage the process.

Financial benefits

Scrum delivers sizable financial benefits for organizations, though they rarely receive much attention. For example, improved quality of software products eventually leads to more sales, reduced support costs, and limited or no negative publicity/customer perception. Quick reaction to changes in market and customer demand is another key benefit of Scrum. Market demands change often; responsiveness provides a significant competitive advantage.